Subdivide Mentor Program

Private Mentorship with Jon Jasniak to build wealth Subdividing Land!

How the Mentorship Works:

Instant Access to:

  • Lifetime access to Land Flipping Arbitrage course

  • Free attendance to one live event

  • 1 Year access to Jon's private guidance at anytime over phone (WhatsApp chat) or Zoom. Ask him or the group anything!

  • 1 Year private coaching with Jon

  • Access to Jon's network of attorneys, lenders, land professionals and more *

  • Personalized insights and knowledge where Jon will help you find markets, find deals, negotiate, close, structure, and manage land deals. Assistance every step of the way to wealth creation with land.

  • Private access to Jon's properties, land trips, and events **

*Jon will facilitate these connections if and when appropriate

**Restrictions apply when necessary

Initiation Fee Today Just!

$7,500 one-time pay

Profit Split Alignment

20% Profit share for personalized consulting by Jon with a $42,500 minimum (see below)

Get Mentored Today


4.9/5 star reviews

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Results Guarantee

If you've not done a deal after 1 year in the program and have implemented Jon's teachings and utilized private coaching communication, Jon will keep you in the group free of charge until you've seen a return on your investment—no questions asked.


How Does the 20% with $42,500 Minimum Work?

Alignment is key. That's why as part of the consulting agreement, a profit split will be paid for my personalized help and services on land projects. This ensures everyone has vested interests in maximizing profits and minimizing time. A minimum of $42,500 will be paid out of profits on land projects to cover costs of the consulting agreement. This theoretically means on a project with less than $212,500 profit, greater than 20% of the profits will be paid. $212,500 is the break point. On subsequent projects worked on under the partnership after the $42,500 minimum fee is met, it will just be a 20% profit split. In this case, a theoretical project profiting less than $212,500, for instance a $100,000 profit project, would mean $20,000 for consulting services since the $42,500 minimum was paid out on a prior project. We will consider 20% of YOUR profits as part of the agreement, not investors or funders profits.

Will You Fund My Land Deals as Part of the Partnership?

No, I won't fund any students or partners deals. The reason is because I don't have a deal flow problem. I'd rather fund 100% of my own deals and make 100% of the profit. I cannot joint venture or contribute capital as I'm actively raising capital for my own deals. I can and will show you how to utilize seller finance, creative finance, and how to raise money for projects if need be. This business model is much easier if you have some initial starting capital ($50k+) however it is not necessary.

Do You Own 20% of My Business?! Do I Owe You 20% of Profits Forever?!

Absolutely not! I am not trying to buy part of your existing business. This is on a deal-by-deal basis. Do one subdivide and if you feel you've learned enough with the private training and my assistance, I'd love for you to go off doing your own projects! Hopefully we made a bunch of money in the process. If you need more assistance and like the value I bring, we can do it on more than one project and even longer than a year program. I want to create insane value for you so you'd be crazy not to keep me on!

You're Asking Me to Sign an NDA and Non-Compete?

Yes, I am. I want to be clear that it's not my intention to stop you from working in your current prospective areas or even doing deals where I am. However, what we are teaching and showing is proprietary and no one else is sharing this information. In the past, my business was affected by people doing the exact same things as me, literally right next door to my land projects. It is unlikely I would deny a proposed project based on the non-compete, however it's important for me to have protections in place. These will be simple agreements. With the NDA, we will be sharing a lot of advanced strategies, processes, and systems that I've spent $10s of thousands on. $Hundreds of thousands even. I'd prefer those to remain with the partners in the program so we can all make millions together.

Can This be Done Remotely and in States Other than Texas?

Of course! I have trained people on subdividing land in states all over the country including Florida, Michigan, Colorado, Virginia, Tennessee, and more. I am operating in Texas, but the principals and strategies are the same. This can also be done remotely. For instance, I have had people in my groups living in Florida but subdividing land in Texas. Or, people in Texas subdividing Virginia and Tennesse land.

What Happens if a Year Goes by and I Haven't Done a Land Subdivide?

In the rare circumstance you have not done a subdivide project and utilized the partner program, or seen the value of the program, we will keep you in free of charge until you do!

Why 20% Profit Share?

I find 20% to be a fair number for all. My time is valuable and I want to be doing LESS teaching nowadays. These subdivides can be HARD, time consuming, and even a bit stressful. The methods and knowledge I will impart on you will allow you to scale your business and do deals that otherwise wouldn't have been possible. Most people won't subdivide land because they don't know where to start. Or, they will pay someone $50k up front to teach them. I would rather you skip the upfront cost and pay me out with profits, that way we are all incentivized, I have a scalable business model, and we all make a bunch of money. If you were utilizing realtors or brokers as part of your transactions, you would already be paying them 6%! We are going to skip all that on the buy and sell side. I can show you how to both negotiate better deals by leveraging your money with less risk AND speed up the sales side, resulting in way higher returns and yields than you'd have otherwise. This itself will create way more than 20% of value. Also, let's be honest... 80% of a watermelon is way better than a grape!

Can I Just Pay You a Large Chunk of Cash for Coaching and Not Split Profits?

No, see the previous FAQ. Doing it this way does not create alignment. It is not a scalable business for me and costs too much up front for the average person. I want both of us to get rich at the same time!

How are You Going to Ensure I See a Return on My Investment?

We are going to target subdivision projects that result in at least a double of your investment, preferably a 3X. Then, we will use funding methods and creative finance to further increase yields while keeping costs little to nothing. I have done dozens of subdivisions and have not missed yet. I have the student testimonials and success rate to back me up. Let's make you the next success story of building wealth through land!


Jaz Ventures, LLC @ 2024

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